Delighting in the Lord
The word delight is the idea of a strong feeling of happiness; or something that brings great pleasure or satisfaction. What delights you? This is an important question to think about. There may be certain things that we have been blessed with in this life that are pleasing and enjoyable, but none should surpass the delight that we have in the Lord and in his word. That alone can truly give us the greatest delight and should encompass everything about us! As an alternative to walking in the counsel of sinners, in Psalm 1:2 the blessed man is pictured as one who delights in the law of the Lord. He not only rejects evil but is infatuated with what God’s word has to say! When we read and meditate on God’s word, it should be more than just intriguing, but it should lead us to put the words that we read into practice. The psalmist compares it to a tree planted by streams of water that yields fruit and who’s leaf does not wither.
Psalm 119 is a great chapter that expresses the concept of delighting in God’s word. Notice with me three natural results the writer specifies that can help us in our efforts to have a greater delight in the word of God.
The person who delights in God’s word desires to be led by God (119:35). What does our attitude indicate? Do we desire to be led by God? Across this psalm the writer indicates that without God’s word he would have been utterly lost. There is so much wisdom to gain from God’s word and without his guidance we would be helplessly lost. In saying that, there are so many things that we can become involved in that aren’t delightful and lead us in the wrong direction! If we desire to hang on to this world’s goods and the things it offers, we are going in the wrong direction. Nothing in this world could ever satisfy us; no amount of money or material things could ever be greater than what God has in store for us once our lives here come to an end. We can’t live a divided life trying on one hand to hold on to what the world offers and on the other hand desiring to be led by God. The question we need to ask ourselves is what do I truly desire?
The person who delights in God’s word can’t but speak to others about it! (119:45-47). The writer here speaks about his willingness to speak about God’s word to kings! We may not have such opportunities, but I think the idea for us here is to share our joy and delight with others. What comes up in our conversations with our friends and neighbors? I realize it’s not always the easiest thing to do but imagine the difference we can make just by talking about God’s word to others. You never know what can happen when you ask someone to have a bible study with you or invite someone to services with you! When we desire after God’s word, our speech and conversations should reflect what we delight in.
The person who delights in God’s word relies upon it during times of affliction (119:92). Where do we turn when times of distress occur? We live in a broken world where we experience death of loved ones, illnesses and so many more difficult and unhappy occasions. But God hasn’t left us alone! He is there for us and we can turn to him not only in prayer but to his word. We learn from what other people did when they found themselves in such distresses. When it comes down to it, when we experience heartache, it should create a greater longing for our heavenly home. His word instructs us that there won’t be any heartaches and tears there. It helps us to see that this world isn’t our home and that were just passing through!
I hope this creates a greater sense of delight for God for you, it has for me!